Its been a while since the last time i posted. I want to find a good "30 day blog Challenge to get in the grove of blogging more often. If you know of any let me know.
I hope you enjoyed learning a few things you may not have known about me. It would be awesome if you told me a few of your too.
Have a great weekend.
That was really great Amanda. I just got the chance to watch it and it was really well done. Like you had said to me They are things that the people close to you already knew but seeing them and you actually putting them out there takes a strength that most people don't have. I am amazed at the woman you have become and proud of the lessons you have and will learn and what you will get from those lessons. We learn by the choices we make and sometimes other people that are outside of our life don't understand why we would choose the path we have. But we keep living our life the way we want to because... It's our life... Love you!